Reasons to Replace your Pool Tiles

Tiles protect a swimming pool and make it look beautiful. Pool tiles are made from a variety of materials like glass, mural, glazed, mosaic, pebble, stone, porcelain, and slate, in endless colors and sizes. Pool tiles allow you to incorporate new and unique designs to enhance the overall appearance of the pool. 

If you own a swimming pool, you must know the importance of regular maintenance and occasional repairs to keep the pool in good shape. At some point, every swimming pool owner has to face the problem of cracked pool tiles. It is quite common for tiles to crack or fall off, and you may have to replace them with the new ones. Pool tile replacement involves replacing the cracked, crumbled, or fallen tiles to maintain the beauty of the swimming pool.

Pool tiles may require replacement with the new ones due to one of the following reasons:

Tiles are falling-off 


When the tiles are not fixed well, they fall. It can also fall off when water seeps in behind the cement through cracks in the grouting. Try re-fixing if the sludge has not come out with the tile. But, if the mud has come off, it will need replacement. Extreme temperature changes can also cause the pool tiles to come loose. 

Tiles have white deposits 

When the mineral salts like calcium and magnesium come out from the setting mud and deposits on the tile, it is called efflorescence. Calcium scaling caused by high pH and high alkalinity in the pool also leads to white deposits on the pool tiles. It is essential to test the calcium hardness while testing the pool water for other chemicals. Though in some cases, these deposits can be acid washed or scraped off. But replace the tiles when you can't burn the deposit off with an acid wash.

Tiles are dated or unattractive

If you haven't changed the pool tiles in a long time, it will probably be the right time to replace them. When the pool tiles become too old, they start to look dull, faded, unattractive, and unpleasing to the eyes. With so many striking and colorful tile options available, give the pool a makeover by replacing them.

Tiles are cracked or chipped

Broken tiles not only look bad but can also damage the pool. If the tiles are not frost-free, they can chip or crack from cold water pressing against the tile during expansion. Cracked pool tiles need to be replaced immediately to keep the pool looking at its best.

Tiles are not installed properly

The tiles may need replacement if they are not installed properly, or the material used to fix them is not of good quality. Tiles can also fall out due to improper installation. Also, the things you choose to set the tile is as essential as the tile. Using good quality adhesive and sealants can help save money down the line. 

If you are facing any problem with the pool tiles, call a pool service company to inspect and find if the pool tiles need replacement. They can diagnose and change the tiles, if necessary and advise you on the best tile option for your pool. 


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