How Winter Rain Affects a Pool

In the next few weeks, the winter rain season will be upon us. Whether a pool owner gets a little or a lot of rain in their area, additional water in the pool from rain isn’t the same as the water added to the pool from the system. There are several reasons why a winter storm can throw off the balance of the pool. Here are some examples:



It goes without saying (but we’re saying it!) that if it is raining, you should get out of the pool. Perhaps there is thunder and lightning, or maybe there isn’t, but don’t take a chance. Stay inside until it’s cleared up.

If there is a storm, turn the pool motor off until the storm subsides. It gives you way more control over what might get into the filter. Before you turn the pump back on, check the pool and skimmer for foreign objects.


One of the classic elements of Valley storms is wind. While they aren’t as spectacular as our summer monsoons, they can still be noteworthy. Depending on the force of the gusts, it can blow a bit of dust, or it can blow patio items into the pool. The problem is that everything which winds up in the pool causes a chemical change, and these chemical changes involve the water and pool chemicals.

Organic contaminants bits of grass and leaves from deciduous plants and trees are carried into the pool by wind and rain. From there, they fall apart rapidly as they become sodden. The decomposing matter engages the chlorine and lowers the cleanliness of the pool.

Mold and algae spores

Mold and algae spores floating through the air will become attached to raindrops and land in the pool. From there, they proliferate and gain a foothold on the pool water and structure. If your pool has been treated with algaecide, it should be able to handle these spores.

After a rainstorm, check the pool for foreign objects. Rain is lower in pH, and while small amounts won’t affect it, a deluge may change the pH of your pool. You can lower the water level if it’s past the skimmer line. Skim the surface with a net and vacuum. Then test the water to make sure it’s in good shape.

If the pool was especially hit by debris or other contaminants and needs to be shocked, do whatever the situation warrants. The essential thing is for the pool owner to be savvy about the consequences a winter storm can have and how to manage the pool in the aftermath.

If you need pool maintenance for your Phoenix, Arizona pool or spa, call us here at Serenity Pools. Our services include new installation set-up, professional maintenance of pools and spas, water features, and fountains. Call today! 480-370-0579.


Types of Pool Filters


Calculating the Run-time for a Pool Pump